Viral Ad Hits - Manual Traffic Exchange & Banner Co-Op

468 x 60 Banner Hits Today: 1464 | 300 x 250 Banner Hits Today: 452 | 728 x 90 Banner Hits Today: 546 | 125 x 125 Banner Hits Today: 266 | Lifetime Sites Shown In TE: Loading...

24/7 Live Surfing & Promotional Contest

Today's Top Surfer is Diana Cave with 155 clicks!

Today's Top Promoter is Greg Neale with 802 Promo Hits!

Hello, My name is Diana and I wanted to show you whats possible here at Viral Ad Hits. A LIVE DAILY CONTEST YOU ARENT WINNING...BUT... The day is not over yet and you have a chance to try now! Let's go! Take me on... read more below...


Ok, listen up! Here we run a live contest 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Each night at 12 server time the winners are pulled and the contest begins immediately thereafter.

All you need to do as a member is promote this splash page out in your favorite Traffic Exchanges or Viral mailers, anywhere you want except auto surf exchanges or bot traffic.

If you are a website owner you can place your banners on your own site or blog and earn credits just like I am from this page in the banner right below..